Sunday, December 30, 2007

Teachings of Baba

He achieved spiritual unity amongst all sectors of the public. He preached the religion of humanity. He said that God alone was the doer of all things. He solved the difficulties of His devotees. Sri Sai Baba did not give lengthy discourses but told short stories full of wisdom. Faith and Forebearance were His key words. He did not write volumes or books but preached Love towards all. He lived a life of love, kindness, equality, brotherliness, renunciation and service. He was an incarnation of God.

He achieved spiritual unity amongst all sectors of the public. He preached the religion of humanity. He said that God alone was the doer of all things. He solved the difficulties of His devotees. Sri Sai Baba did not give lengthy discourses but told short stories full of wisdom. Faith and Forebearance were His key words. He did not write volumes or books but preached Love towards all. He lived a life of love, kindness, equality, brotherliness, renunciation and service. He was an incarnation of God.

About Sai baba

Sri Sai Baba lived in the Masjid, named later on as Dwarakamai and led a simple life. Nobody knew 'whether he was a Hindu or a Muslim. He dressed like a 'Muslim but behaved like a Hindu. He gave medicine to the poor, nursed the sick and gave them 'udi'(Holy Ash) which proved to be more than medicine in miraculously curing from all diseases. His divine powers were first exhibited when he lighted lamps in which water was put in instead of oil. The saint used to collect alms in the village and put them in an earthen vessel and consumed as when required. His healing powers and selfless service to the poor attracted several devotees, who rushed to Shirdi and Shirdi became a place of pilgrimage. Morning and evening prayers(Arti) were started with great zeal.

Who is Baba

He is the self of all
He is the Universal Life
He is the indwelling Cosmic Spirit
He is the Imminent Immortal Reality
He is Self-Existent, Self-Luminous Truth
He is the Static Reality
He is the moving force behind Creation
He is the Supreme Guide
He is the Goal
He is All - The whole in part - play in umpteen forms.